Highlights from the Medscape Top 10 for Critical Care in 2010:
確かに今年話題になった issuesですね。
- New Brain Death Guidelines Issued
Updated for the first time in 15 years, new American Academy of Neurology guidelines provide step-by-step instructions for determining brain death in adults.
- Dopamine or Norepinephrine for Shock?
The age-old question of which drug is better for shock continues to stimulate study and debate.
- Controversies in the Treatment of Sepsis
This article discusses the controversial roles of intensive insulin therapy, corticosteroids, and activated protein C in the treatment of sepsis.
- Tigecycline Linked to Increased Mortality Risk
The increased mortality risk is most evident in patients treated for hospital-acquired pneumonia and particularly ventilator-associated pneumonia, which is an unapproved indication.
- FDA Again Warns Against IV Administration of Nimodipine
The FDA again reminded clinicians that nimodipine should be given only by mouth or through a feeding tube and never by IV administration, a method that could be fatal.
- High vs Low Positive End-Expiratory Pressure in Ventilatory Management of Adults
A meta-analysis of existing research reveals which patients might benefit from lower positive end-expiratory pressure levels.
- Management of Bleeding Following Major Trauma: an Updated European Guideline
This evidence-based approach for managing bleeding in trauma patients makes the GRADE.
- Procalcitonin-Guided Antibiotic Therapy
Is procalcitonin-guided antibiotic therapy ready for prime time?
- A Cost-Minimization Analysis of Dexmedetomidine Compared With Midazolam For Long-Term Sedation In The Intensive Care Unit
In this study, the use of dexmedetomidine for long-term sedation saved $9679 per ICU patient compared to midazolam.
- Healthcare Reform Resource Center
The evolving debate was chronicled by Medscape throughout 2010. Bookmark this page so that you’ll have access to the latest information as it becomes available.